Monday, November 21, 2011

Cahokia Ho!

Taking a break from my dialogue about the STEM workforce to share some info from a recent trip.

While at ABRCMS in St. Louis, Alberto, Danielle and I took an afternoon to visit Cahokia mounds in nearby Collinsville, IL.  The mounds were awesome, and provided great views of St. Louis and a look back into ancient local history.  Just down the road is Woodhenge, an ancient site where a series of wood posts (originals built at varies times between between AD 900-1100) were erected and served as a calendar system for native Mississippians.  We went there on a perfectly sunny day and at a time when we were casting long shadows! In addition to a few shots from the museum, and of the mounds, there are pictures of posts erected in 1985 to reconstruct the third calendar system erected around 1000 AD. This site was excellent as it's a (science) park, archaeological site, museum, and historical site combined!

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